About Us

"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:18

Founded in 2012, TPHM Founder & Executive Director, Kay Lamar, has diligently led the narrative for homelessness. Having experienced homelessness herself and with a clear understanding of how homelessness can happen to anyone, she has moved the organization from simply being a band-aid to providing real permanent solutions to housing. 

Her 20+ years of experience in the property management and construction industry lends itself greatly to the organization's property acquisition plan and makes her knowledgeable of challenges individuals and families face in finding housing. She believes everyone should have a home and that housing is the foundation for growth.


Just a few folks providing help out of homelessness.


It's Simple! We help those in need.


To provide all necessary housing resources, programs, services and referrals to the homeless and low income individuals and families that emerge them out of homelessness. Teach, feed and empower each individual to build a healthy relationship with self, family and community. Further providing a foundation built on the belief that all things are possible to those that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.